Third Schema Meeting (30 March 2007)

Date: 30 March 2007

Venue: King's Crest Centre.

David Clark
Sebastian Danicic
Chris Fox
Mark Harman
John Howroyd
Michael Laurence
Lahcen Ouarbya

9-10 Coffee etc.
10.00-11.00 Sebastian Danicic: Languages Generated by Linear Schemas
11.00-12.00: John Howroyd: Some Interesting Schemas
12.00-1.00: Mike Laurence: Towards Decidability of Freeneness
13.00-1400: Lunch
14.00-14.30: David Clark: Abstract Interpretation Tutorial (1 of 4)
14.30-15.00: Coffee
15.00-16.00 Lahcen Ouarbya:Towards a Lazy Semantics of Schemas
16.00-17.00 Mark Harman: Decidability of Freeness and Unfolding Symbolic Execution Trees
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Last updated 2007-04-30