CIS109 Introduction to Programming in Java

 Sebastian Danicic 

Semester One Online Guide

Semester Two Online Guide

course CD (contents of course CD)

course CD (iso image -if you want to burn your own course CD)

Term One Schedule

Week 1
CIS109 Subject Guide Volume 1: Chapters 1, 2 and 3
Week 2
CIS109 Subject Guide Volume 1: Chapters 4 and 5
Week 3
CIS109 Subject Guide Volume 1: Chapter 6
Week 4
CIS109 Subject Guide Volume 1: Chapter 7
Week 5
Reading Week
Week 6
CIS109 Subject Guide Volume 1: Chapter 8
Week 7
CIS109 Subject Guide Volume 1: Chapter 9
Week 8
CIS109 Subject Guide Volume 1: Chapter 10
Week 9
CIS109 Subject Guide Volume 1: Chapters 11 and 12
Week 10
CourseWork Completion
Week 11
Coursework submission and examination by tutor.


The coursework for Cis109 consists of the twenty challenging problems in appendix A of the subject guide.

There are exactly 5 marks for each piece of coursework. You get the full 5 marks when your tutor is satisfied that you have completed it and fully understood it. During each tutorial demonstrate your latest completed coursework to your tutor. Your tutor will ask you questions about your code to ensure that you fully understand it. In the first term your tutor will mark a maximum of two challenges per week per student. In the second term your tutor will mark only one per week per student.
Seb's Home Page
Dept of Comptuing
Last updated 2007-09-25