Design and implement a system to replace registers in labs.
Your system should contain at least the following:
- A graphical client for the student to register his/her attendance.
- A graphical client for the lecturer to see who has registered etc.
- A graphical client for an adminstrator to see attendences at the end of each class (after the class is over).
- A simple database which holds all necessary information about each class etc.
- A server through which all the clients communicate with each other and the database.
You will get marks for ingenuity, clarity of report, security of the system. Your report should consider how you have handled `cheating' i.e. people attempting to sign on form outside the lab, or fellow students signing in for their absent friends.
Hand in Date: Fri 6 May at 12 midday.
Hand in a bound document with contents page, all your code commented, documented and screenshots. etc. This time your document should fully explain how your system works and how it has been designed.
Also upload an executable jar file corresponding to each program. The jar file should contain the source files too.
Sebastian Danicic BSc MSc PhD (Reader in Computer Science)
Dept of Computing, Goldsmiths, University of London, London SE14 6NW
Last updated 2015-09-04