This is what I can see from my verandah where I am doing
this project.
The set of all inputs that we try on our program is known as our test set. Suppose that our program behaves correctly for all elements of our test set. How confident can we be that our program is correct? Clearly, big test sets are good.
Mutations are a way of testing how good a test set is. The idea is, we introduce a `bug' by changing a program a little bit (by mutating it) and seeing if our `mutated program' behaves differently to the original with respect to any element of the test set. If this is the case we say the mutant has been `killed' by the test set. Of course, some mutant will be semantically equivalent to the original program so these will never be killed however good the test set is. A test set is good if it kills lots and lots of mutants.
Talking of mutants, this is Gizmo our Sri Lankan cat.
He is waiting to be fed. He miaows incessantly.
This is the grammar that includes the Java 1.1 language
extensions. It is based on the Java Language Specification
by Gosling, Joy, and Steele augmented by the inner class
document released with JDK 1.1.
It has the nice self referential property that
the Java parser (JavaParser.class) resulting from processing Java1.1.jj
correctly parses its own source (
Boolean Constants | true ,false |
Boolean Operators | && ,|| |
Relational Operators | == ,<= ,>= ,< ,> ,!= |
Incr/Decr Operators | ++ ,-- |
Arithmetic Operators | + ,- ,* ,/ |
Binary Bit Operators | & ,| ,^ ,% ,<< ,>> ,>>> |
Arithmetic Assignment Operators | += ,-= ,*= ,/= |
Binary Bit Assignment Operators | &= ,|= ,^= ,%= ,<<= ,>>= ,>>>= |
containing 359
examples of Java source code.
These include examples that use Swing and other
Java Foundation Classes, and the Java Platform Debugger Architecture
and would therefore use a healthy variety of Java syntax to test the parser.
As stated earlier is produced as a result of
running JavaCC with the Java Grammar file Java1.1.jj
. has more than 5000 lines of code and
contains over 1000 occurrence of mutatable operators
as defined in the table above.
Let us look now at the program Each token is represented by an integer value which is stored as an int constant, one for each token type. For example, JavaParserConstants.FALSE is the integer value for the token FALSE and JavaParserConstants.LT is the value representing the token . The two dimensional array allowables is such that allowables[i] represents the array of elements for which the token represented by integer can be replaced. For example
allowables[JavaParserConstants.GT] = new int[]{ JavaParserConstants.LT, JavaParserConstants.EQ, JavaParserConstants.NE, JavaParserConstants.GE, JavaParserConstants.LE };Says that the Greater than sign () can only be replaced by any one of ,,!=,, .
We represent a token simply as an object of type tok, where tok is given by:
package mutations; import mutations.*; import*; public class tok implements Serializable { public int type; public String image; public String commentsEtc; public tok( int t,String i,String c) { type=t; image=i; commentsEtc=c; } public String toString() { return commentsEtc+image; } }
So a token can be thought of as triple consisting of an int token type as just described, a String, image containing the actual value of the token, and another String containing all the comments an white space that occurred in between this token and the previous one.
The class contains two very useful methods: programToVector(String s) which converts program s to Vector of toks. and printProgram(Vector v) which prints out the program represented by the Vector of toks v.
For example printProgram(programToVector(``'')) will print the program exactly as it is.
Given a Vector of tokss, v, the method arrayOfMutatable(v) produces an array consisting of the positions in of all the mutatable tokens in program represented by . For example if the zeroth element of this array was 59, this would mean the 59th token was the first which was from one of the token classes described earlier. The number of elements of this array represents the number of different tokens that can be changed in order to produce a first order mutant.
import mutations.*; import java.util.*; class doit { public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception { allTokens a=new allTokens(); Vector v=a.programToVector(""); int am[] =a.arrayOfMutatable(v); tok firstMutatableToken=(tok)(v.elementAt(am[0])); int newType=a.allowables[firstMutatableToken.type][0]; tok newTok=a.replace(firstMutatableToken,newType); Vector w=a.replaceToken(v,am[0],newTok); a.printProgram(w); } }The output is the illegal Java Program:
import mutations.+; import java.util.*; class doit { public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception { allTokens a=new allTokens(); Vector v=a.programToVector(""); int am[] =a.arrayOfMutatable(v); tok firstMutatableToken=(tok)(v.elementAt(am[0])); int newType=a.allowables[firstMutatableToken.type][0]; tok newTok=a.replace(firstMutatableToken,newType); Vector w=a.replaceToken(v,am[0],newTok); a.printProgram(w); } }The first mutatable token is *. It has been changed to a +. This is a problem. We wish to exclude mutants that do not compile. This problem is tackled in a later section. Clearly this program can be adapted to produce any or every mutant.
public tok randomMutate(tok t) { int [ ] a =allowables[t.type]; int type= a[useful.rand(a.length)]; return replace(t,type); }The array
represents the set of token types
that can replace token t.
We replace it by a random element of the array.
All we need to do now is randomly pick a token to randomly mutate:
public Vector randomMutate(Vector w) { int a[] =arrayOfMutatable(w); int pos=a[useful.rand(a.length)]; tok t= randomMutate((tok)w.elementAt(pos)); return replaceToken(w,pos,t); }
The code for isKilled is:
declare -i z z=0 for i in `find /usr/share/j2sdk1.4.2_06/ -regex .*[^\/][\.]java$` #for each Java program in a list of Java Programs do:- do cd original/ java JavaParser $i > /tmp/a 2>&1 #run the original parser # and redirect the resulting standard output and standard error to /tmp/a cd ../mutated java JavaParser $i > /tmp/b 2>&1 #run the mutated parser # and redirect the resulting standard output and standard error to /tmp/b diff /tmp/a /tmp/b > /dev/null 2>&1 result=$? #use diff to compare the two and store in result [ $result -ne 0 ] && echo "killed!" && exit 1 #if the result is not zero it's been killed so exit the script #if not try to kill it with the next input. z=($z+1) echo $z cd .. done
The AllMutants script Generates 1000 random mutants each mutant is compiled and compiled and then if no error isKilled is run. A count is kept of all the mutants which a, compile and b are killed. The code for AllMutants is
#! /bin/bash declare -i m m=0 declare -i k k=0 #go round a thousand times for i in `java useful.range 1 1000` do java allTokens original/ > mutated/ #mutate the JavaParser and store in file in 'mutated' directory cd mutated javac > /dev/null 2>&1 #compile the mutated JavaParser result=$? #store the result in variable: result cd .. [ $result -eq 0 ] && m=( $m+1 ) && ! ./isKilled && k=( $k+1 ) #if it compiles add one to m try to kill it. #if it's killed add one to k echo so far $i mutations tried, $m of those compiled and $k killed done
while true do sleep 3 echo now res1=`ps u |grep JavaParser|grep -v grep|cut -c 10-15` echo $res1 sleep 3 res2=`ps u |grep JavaParser|grep -v grep|cut -c 10-15` [ "$res1" -eq "$res2" ] && ( echo "deleted" ) && ( kill -9 $res1 ) echo $res2 done
To generate a random mutant from on standard output, type:
java -jar lava.jar myProg.javaNote: I don't think it works for prograns that include the Java 1.5 extensions such as generics. If anyone is interested in updating it to handle full Java 1.5 please contact me. This would make a very nice student project.