type graph(alpha) == set(alpha X alpha);Each pair
f: graph(alpha) -> set(alpha); f(G) <= if G=empty then empty else let ((a,b),G1) == choose(G) in (a & (b & empty)) U f(G1);
outdegree: alpha X graph(alpha) -> num;which returns the out-degree of a particular vertex in the graph.
which, given a vertex
cfp: alpha -> graph(alpha) -> set(list(alpha));which is such that
cfp x g
is the set of all cycle-free paths from
in g
, write a function
reachable: alpha X graph(alpha) -> set(alpha);such that
reachable(x, g)
is the set of all vertices reachable from x
in g
. (You may need to define some extra functions.)
, write a function for finding the length of the
shortest path between two vertices in a graph. (You may need to define some extra functions. )