6 Programming with Sets

  1. try:
    use set;
    k <= 1 & empty;
    m <= 2 & empty;
    k U m;
    z <= k U m;
    let (a,b) == choose(z) 
    in a;
    let (a,b) == choose(z) 
    in b;
    card (z);

  2. Evaluate the following expressions:
    1. 3 & empty;
    2. "dog" & "cat" & empty;
    3. ('a' & empty) U ('b' & empty);
    4. 'a' isin ('a' & empty);
    5. "cat" isin ("dog" & empty);
    6. "cat" isin ("cat" & "dog" & empty);

  3. What does the function gg, below do?
    gg: set(alpha) -> num;
    gg(S) <=  if S = empty
              then 0
              else let (a,T) == choose(S)
                   in 1 + gg(T);

  4. What does the function ff, below do?
    ff: set(alpha) X set(alpha) -> set(alpha);
    ff(S1,S2) <=  if S1 = empty
                  then empty
                  else let (a,S3) == choose(S1)
                       in if a isin S2
                          then a & ff(S3,S2)
                          else ff(S3,S2);

  5. The set difference between $X$ and $Y$ is the set of elements that are in $X$ but not in $Y$. Define, similarly to ff above, the function
    setDifference: set(alpha) X set(alpha) -> set(alpha);
    in Hope.

    diff: set(alpha) X set(alpha) -> set(alpha);
    diff(S1,S2) <=  if S1 = empty
                  then empty
                  else let (a,S3) == choose(S1)
                       in if a isin S2
                          then diff(S3,S2)
                          else a & diff(S3,S2);

Sebastian Danicic BSc MSc PhD (Reader in Computer Science)
Dept of Computing, Goldsmiths, University of London, London SE14 6NW
Last updated 2011-03-15